Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)

nra CHILDREN OF THE BIBLE by Patrick and Garrison Ruark's Views Questions, Answers Youngsters' Big Incomes Put Santa Claus in Shade Several New Provisions on Excise Taxes Start Jan. 1 Levies on Jewelry, Luggage, Clocks, Club Membership Dues All Affected GREEN BAY PRESS GAZETTS 1 Friday, Dec. 26, 1958 Errors Climb As Telephone Blackwood On Bridge South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH (Mr.

Dale i A 10 7 6 10 9 7 A 8 7 5 4 3 2 Off-Season Vacations Are Cheapen Bv RASKIN Humboldt Co. Is Beginning Big Expansion Program To Double Capacity of Mining Firm at Marquette The Worry Clinic Basic Human Appetite Can't Be Curbed Without Effect By DR. GEORGE W. CRANE Dr. and Mrs.

Robert Rang graciously had a reception for me at their home follow ing my evening address at Washington. last winter. And a crowd of wives called me into the kitchen, saying they wanted to argus about some points I had made in my speech. "Dr. Crane," they "you said that a wife hasn't aslcurbed or restrained without much erotic hunger as her hus-producing a vile tempered band.

Well, we agree with that. "Rut von further stated that. "Basic human appetites may reader can tfl an imwfr. mail, to anv question nf fact writing Thp Grppn BBS lrrs-(iapHf Information Bn-reu. i35 War-ington 4j It, llfffi fttrlosp return postage or viampfd envelope ROBERT C.

lU'AKK In the midst of Yule, I have discovered a depressing' Statistic, which is (hat. on an annual basis. 17,000,000 teenagers will have spent nearly 10 billion bucks' worth of their own money quite apart, the statistics say. e3ri Use Increases MILWAUKEE Uncle Sam says Jan. 1 is an important date for Federal excise taxes as well as for income taxes.

E. J. Nelson, district director of internal revenue, today explained Jan. 1 is the effective date of several provisions of the recently enacted Excise Tax Technical Changes Act of 1958 (Public (mm nnvthino thrir narents spent on them. Bv 19br.

it AN YOU SAY WHAT couc the nnrnhpr nf vnimff! Green Bay has been expep iencing a rising rate of telephone growth in recent years, people will have risen to 24 taneous aches in both fang and YOf HAVE TO SAY" million, and they will blow pocketbook. Our booklet SUCCESSFUL about 14 billion clams on pel- Reduces Closeness (PUBLIC SPEAKING explains Many Advantages To European Trip In Fall, Winter Law 85-859). or accessories of other articles anj more telephones mean A multimillion dollar pro- BMin ii ovnnnH faeilitmc fr, The new law, Nelson said, not subject to manufacturers more telephone calls. It also (he art and secrets of speaking sonal purchases. This purely professional ap- ia modern wife feet.

It tells you This it scorns to me, puts v. of 0,1 voul WEST FAST (Mr. Abel i (Mrs. Keen) A 5 3 A A 9 8 4 9 15 41 9 10 fi 8 5 4 A 8 3 SOUTH (Mrs. Fusty) A 2 UKI2 (6 A 9 10 9 7 Santa Claus in a dreadful po- and self-suff iciemy into how 10 develop poise and self I I 1 i By SYLVIA POSTER L.lhBUW And now, just mining and concentrating iron important provisions excises, me oniy suuuiory e- haj crcated greater chance ores in Michigan's granted previously dialed to wroa num-Peninsula was announced -'eu'e r-v- luggage clocks and was for watches designed for berS- jointly today by The the Currently, 190,000 calls are land-Cliffs Iron Co.

and ford lST iSS LimU 0eS UP bei dialed each day through Motor Co, inu 1 the spedf art Mm uS The tax rate 8neal ad" GrMn The program will doublei'w, 1 ueT mssl0ns continues t0 be one according to manager Frank G. production capacity of Hum- fJ Ti teH for ewh 10 cenU' or majo Shkor- This total includes kui vi: plate 01 PlAi listings ill oadkrmna ol. boldt must function as a one-woman harem in or-jder to keep her husband devot-' ed through Itheir Golden Wedding Day. be temporarily sirtetrai Ken, but they will ultimately break: forth, like an irresistible force. Show III Effects "And males show this ill effect via peeping Tom behavior, p*rnographic art, burlesque shows, or clandestine affairs, etc.

"So it is much simpler just to feed your mate his basic requirements of both gastric as well as erotic calories. "Than vn. i'U have him DUr- beiore 1 return to home base and a New York dateline, what useful hints can 1 give you about taking a vacation in Europe yourself in the son months? sition, since a population of such wealth can scarcely be content with the usual Santa standard of skates or catcher's mitts. I say it's dene 111 11 be IViUIJJJK IIAOICU i.U the old law. He said the rate of -7 L7 11.rr2r,r miles west of Marquette.

The the voung is admirable, 1 S.F"w nmv pose, but it would also tend to attention of you, audience, a certain closeness be- Written in simple, practical tween parent and child. Some- 30-page booklet is thing, it seems to me, must a valuahle manual tor anyone vanish from the nest when who mBV llp uPon t0 the fledgling is out catching sl1Pak 1,1 bUSilttSS or social his own worms, to spend as a tnP' he sees fit 25 cents, plus five cents I know that todav. as an for mailing, adult, there is nothing I want) USE THIS COUPON in the way of gifts to make The Green Bay Press-Gazette Christmas memorable, since it Information Bureau, is obvious that if 1 wanted S38 N. immh red sled I nrobablv would Uachinntnn 1 aHuiwivu "-'iiiiuugii xne wiscunsin ipm Jan. 1, Nelson said, the first $1 'phone Co.

keens no actual livery year "Why do you expect us wives to make all the sacrifices for at 10 per cent. Tax On Memberships As of Jan. 1, he said Dr. Crane charged will be exempt from Count of mis-dialed calls, She-tax. The present limit, he said, kore said.

WW on single admission charges arp nit th3). Humboldt firm is owned 50 per cent by Ford and 50 per cent by Cleveland-Cliffs. W. A. Sterling, president ot Cleveland-Cliffs and the Hum Discount for Size L.

B. Dogett Washington. D. gives small cat-owners a break by converting a parking section for use exclusively by the little vehicles. He is shown here meas uring the space left over when a sports car is parked in a normal parking space.

He gives a one-third discount on monthlv rates if cars are less than 6V2 by 14 feet. (UP1 Telephoto) a happy home? Of 90 Cents Or leSS. rnnn niimhor folic rvxnr" members of social, athletic sporting clubs or other organi The bidding: South West North East 19 Pass Pass 2 Dbl. Pass J9 Pass 49 All Pass OPENING LEAD: Five of spades. Mrs.

Fusty, whose playing days go back to whist, may be baffled by some of today's conventional bidding, but she bows to no man (or woman) on the play of the hand. She successfully han Nelson said so-called ''milk Shekore emphasized. hear Ruark a date on cause in my callow youth Christmas was boldt said the outstanding additional millions of us shift! to fall winter; holidays; more; and more corporations are! spreading employe a a-j tions over 12 months. Travel; to zations will have a choice of bars ...111 wuivji ai raa. then) from customers Mailt! flt iMimc LUC muicn uc annoyed by way ciont you urge nus-j He'll be a n.

hands to use more res raintl husband and thmk yoa and curb their appetites? are wonderfuL Sex Differences "Better yet, he will not "Why don't you expect your project his ill will and ire up-husbands to curb their sto-ion the children. So you wives maeh appetites," 1 replied, will not only insure yourself "and remain content on 2,500 a happier marriage but. will u. i'i'6 i paying a one-time l) per cein iiiems arm piuviuuiK spn.c iui hoon for the truck manufacturers. installat on of full amount dancinc.

usually to iukeboxE which you received presents, have alrpady bought for; ml(lsf 30 cent, c01n not generally lavished by par- myse)f- beinR a fcarefullv wrapped in paper) ents during the year and Ther1 j5 nolhlng today of for a copy of the booklet hich you were certainly un- the anticipation of SUCCESSFUL PUBLIC Public Relations Business Is Rapidly Growing Trade Miss Porter 01 TO aiiora ow iwu- uhe one hlR dav out of 365 SPEAKING equipment to proauce gn-, membership, or music, will not be liable for Robert R. Gray, 1000 Bond rb'e; paying an annual tax equal the 20 per cent cabaret Unintentionally has completed training lne ore COIUenIraies- tax pajd by members hav- starting January 1. In most cases, Shekore said, Bear Manufacturing Com-iConstruction Is Started iing priviieges equal to those' He said conditions which a wrong number call is made pany's automotive safety serv-j "The expansion program will jof the life members. must be met for this exemp-inintentionally. It results ice school at Rock Island, 111.

boost the Humboldt capacity; Nelson said the new law also tion are: (1) no alcoholic bev- either because of mis-dialing Gray is employed by North- to produce 640,000 tons of pel- eliminates the tax if nothing erages are served or permitted. or because the caller does not when good little boys and girls allowance, if you had an al lowance at all And opportuni ZIPPORAH received their heart's desires Name $15,000 a year for a one-man PR department to more than ties tor easy ouisioe earning m. did not then. Study Published on What Professionals Can Do for Firms dled a tricky contract today, following a line of play she may have learned 40 years ago. one million dollars on some ertl Truck Service, smashed all.

records in 1958, is heading fori new peaks in 1959. A Euro- pean vacation is now within; the time and budget limits of; vast numbers of middle-in-j come American families. What about going abroad at this time of year, then? After! Inc. nets annually. Construction; is paid for the membership, to be consumed; (2) only light nave tne ngnt numDer.

work is under way and com-lsuch as an honorary member- refreshments such as snacks "A person reaching a wrong CPlaaM Print i big problem or issue attract- ing more than usual public at-! Arthur F. Armstrong, presi as. for instance, baby-sitting. and s0 wav t0 heart- Street were by no means common. brpak should irnagine thatj Mess of Money Santa Claus, to today's rela I don't know how far you itively rich young, is in no wise city can trust a statistic not to turnia man of such importance as and rend you, but according tojthe St.

Nick of my time. State "And Sfoies n'as content to dwell wMl the man: and he gave Moses Ztpporah his daughter" Exodus 2:21 Bv SAM DAWSON for sometimes the. dent of Westminster Paper Mr. Abel's open- Mr rnercial production of pellets ship. and soft drinks are served; number can ease the annoy- will be started in mid-1960," He said sales of watches and (3) where space is provided ance to the called person by he said.

jelocks are affected by the new for dancing, there is no charge apologizing. Then hang up and Sterlina Dointed out that the law in that it provides statu- made: and (41 where music is dial the correct number," She- 'KW YORK UB How between public relations; Company, Limited, has an-; a four weeks' holiday in rtt.i Inn ft wiih tllP ni 1 h- and lobbying becomes vague. I nounced that the Westminstei and Portugal. I've come u. Some agencies specialize in! board of directors elected Nor-1 Humboldt oners tion will make tory authority for certain ex-provided one study, the average weeKiy; suspect u.mgs were (Maj, t0 WashjnRton, D.

permnteo. it is kore advised. A person reacn- income today tor a i.i-year-oia gieai ueai simpiei me pi boy is over four dollars, over'pre-television days, when a rlnllavc lfi nvpr lfi sark of randy and a dish of with some positive pro? and employes government offi- certain services, such as prod bert W. Markus, first use of an improved emptions trom tne tax. tne euner niecnanicai.

sucn as mg a wrong number usually is cons. For your future and stockholders uct pushing, or one as vice-president of mar-ipelletizing process to make Service has. in the past, ad- from a jukebox, or other music embarrassed and remains si-ance. here they are: js! worrying more manage- 01 financial relations. keting.

Markus has been serv-' pellets from the hematite ores ministratively granted exemp- which is supplied without any lent when a strange person an- Q. Do all deciduous trees Ifood calories per day, msteadjalso guarantee your youngsters of their normal 3,500 much pleasanter domestic en- "Just tell them to use more vironment." restraint and learn to live on Women's Charm Short rations at the dinner J( may thf)( pick on ulyou wives excessively, but Well, you know what would that becuge ra mora happen, don you' They men irritable and snarltsh. Eyen th yifa is thfJ Not only would they snap rQok t0WR sh, at you and become caustic, but an (lcicntlfi extend their lie to you, atmudpl and copi recipei Soon the youngsters f.nm 0(he. cooks WOUW be crying because of tpnd hp mor( (Coti(. daddy harsh remarks and They fj know bitter tongue.

L1) s0 wny sUldv the methods Tantalize Appetites i0f other operators! "So you smart wives know' You women since the begin it is wise to feed your hus- ning of history have been the bands their full 3.000 caloriesichief custodians of culture and iat the dinner table. (morality, music and education. "In fact, you garnish the You make up 90 per cent of foods, even scallop the edgesMhe attendance at PTA meet-i of the grapefruit and constant- ings, music clubs, etc. try to tantalize our male ap-l But don't try to ration your petites with new recipes, till mate in the erotic realm! Send you coax us into adding a roll for my booklet "Sex Problems TWir inviiwiAM. iu.

you are looKing ior a n-una as retail DrodUCt eroun found in vast ouantities in sul-h a LU swers tne teiepnone. am, mora ADVANTAGES: these days. FIRST, ments ments utilized as components. establishment. nancial specialist, he should' manager with Scott Paper: Northern Michigan.

bucks at with girls mak- Brazilnuts meant something lpav" FVerv 'ear ing slightly less. Even with festive, even if Santa missed B- inflation that's a moss of the chimney and forgot to A. In northern temperate re-money, leave the bicycle or the doll gions most deciduous trees lose I know one family of three There woulcl always be an-1 their foliage in autumn, and children which has the kids otner vear when he would the branches stay bare all win-on pdv ul.rv in vrturn for 'surely get his address book ter. However, some trees that have heavy experience in PR Company since 1957. "Extensive research on laB-i counseling and communica-l Watorv and pilot scale has re- tions with stockholders.

Po-! Sands G. Falk, currently in develonment of ani ing lead was tne five of spades and Mrs. Keen won with the ace. The queen of spades was returned and Fusty was in with the king. She laid down the ace of hearts and paused to think things out when she saw the queen drop on her right.

Reaching her decision, she firmly led the ace of diamonds and continued with the queen. Mr. Abel won the second diamond with the king and noted that the suit was set up. In an effort to take one of the trump entries out of dummy immediately, he led a low club, But Mrs. Fusty refused to ruff in dummy.

Furthermore, she elected not to discard the often than not, this little embarrassment is relieved easily if the caller apologizes for dialing the wrong number, and it eases the mind of the called person who might otherwise feel the call was a deliberate nuisance call." tential investors, and others manager of marketing re-! improved method for convert-i (1) Going off-season Is im-' Experts in this gentle art pressively cheaper. ithe public relations consult- When Charles S. Thomas ants say their business. PR president of Trans World has grown more in lines, told me the day before jthe last tw0 years than any we left that. "The smartest (Similar period, dollar stretchers today are the; For one thing, the public is people who take late fall oritaking more interest in how- Trade Groups Oppose Federal Gas Tax Hike Olson Co.

Drivers Honored for Safe Driving at Dinner the performance of stated untangled chores around the house, with search, has been appointed these concentrates into! eastern regional sales mana-jpellets which will have an iron, ger of The Falk Corporation, 'content of more than 60 per! Milwaukee, effective Jan. 1, itlrent and which can be chare-! interested in financial aspects of your company's story. "Looking for Fixer" The authors question the The surest wav to avoid winter vacations in Europe. I. management behaves.

And the was announced recently byd direct into blast furnaces' tux national, siuup "i wisuu number calling is to mi Tn ii it 4 IniTo 'ilron i 1 Si i oti ln Hrivprc wriarA aii-orit ti i i ii i reported his remark to you, (investigating eyes of Quickie public rela-i mi. i ii un ua r. tiLH tt t1 bnnt fur ior nrnppci; i uouc o.mwiuuuuj uhw o- Lu iisuiL -u i it Wmnrcc but I had no personal experi-jton quickly turn their way If into ot fva7r ai sales manager. He will replace! sterling explained firm stand against any furth-j recognition for years of safe tory. Don't trust your mem- ence to confirm it.

Now I can; trouble arises. For another, in H. Douglas Stier of New York! (ll -er increase in the federal gas-driving at a recent meeting if the number isn't in the anls 10 De DaiieQ back it up with persuasive! this era of keener competition lao'-Oiiv who will wtire Hec. 31. I T.

oline tax rate, or other high-: the company cafeteria. Unv- aamioln thic ovu nf Irnonpr rnmwl itinn OUt icnv woo win retire jjcc. 01. i a i oune id a tic ui uui its oroiiao a new Ln m. MSOiy PR firms shun the man! statistics.

Zt nri laTaJmhoMtW user excise taxes, from the Olson Over the. telephone number and Can be ice piesident and a Humboldt: airman' Road and Pptroleum vi onLvt.i a t. of excess upholstery around in Marriage." enclosing a tour equators via your tempt-'stamped return envelope, plus ling viands. 20 cents (non-profit). It's "So why think mankind's ideal insurance against di- second basic appetite can be voice.

si who is "looking for a if the thinks lb, lm lose their leaves in temperate climates keep them the year around farther south where the winter is less harsh. The -weet bay magnolia is an evergreen in Florida and a deciduous tree in New Jersey. Q. Is the ratio of females to males in the U. S.

population still increasing? 1). I). A. Yes, and this trend is expected to continue for at least another decade. Women were first shown to outnumber men in the 1950 census when it was found that there were 1.008 females for every 1.000 males.

In 1957, the difference was last spade from the board, but. minutes Not onlv did we save S3(H) auvi8c uir hiww tuuixvj, awuuvr avam laviioiuvA eg.ra tmn advantage public wmm a i tt- ii, ivj txujM Ml! iniuijjici- i ii m. r. iiriH Hill nil rs Dec. 26 Live- of the pelletizing of ore con-! of the Highway auenoect tne semi annual sate-1 tion' operator by dialing 113.

on our round-trip airline! w('" or no- auer lne reces- a nrrxn MILWAUKEE 7 chnni, Hnu-n th- pr Knet. the best way for a company took: hhi rhr a bonus-incentive system for performance above and beyond the call, including grades at school. Out of this steady income, the kids keep rooms clean, manicure the yard, work in the kitchen, and perform sundry other tasks generally allotted to parents or servants Pay for Fillings From a not-inconsiderable income, they pay for their sports equipment, special treats at amusem*nt parks, Christmas and birthday presents, records and even their dental service. That is not asj cold-blooded as it sounds. GRIN AND BEAR IT Th nmiMiiinn tn a pal tav v-ompany presiorni neroert By Lichty ncxets aione oy going at wm Alfch itslf Set int0 public relations is' Hogs: 400, estimated.

25-50c to the economy of time of year, but we also saved qui built itselt. trouble MWt the Upper Peninsula, substantially on hotel rooms, Into Millions iA'-t apica breat books J. Olson nresented the Olson Jvian' teiepnone users Keep in L' in PBinnnsa to rii'ri- r- i a ait ta. to, auwa dJiu uuwn ue VBIlJulZlell Ul oosal that the msoTine President's award to Clarence Personal number book ets in posat mat tne nneiai gasoline thev note te enhnnn auto rental, etc. We stayed at I Officials of the American; warned that "tli mntl irtinnr JDU-I IDS.

I4.SU-lb.UU, 424 Mil. I. Humboldt could lead to the fu- aha tnuisi lmfoU at that ni a ui.L ia5() lbs. 13 vc, ana r. When Moses was forced" to flee from Egypt because he had killed a slave driver who was beating a Hebrew workman, he took refuge in Midisn This was a countn extending from the northeast shores of the Dead Sea.

far into the Arabian peninsula. Like any weary traveler, he paused at well to rest and relresh himself with a cool drink. It was while he was there that he first met Zipporah. She and her six sisters had brought their flocks to the well for their daily watering. But some rude shepherds who had arrived first, would not allow the gins to bring their sheep near the well.

Young Moses immediately came to the girls' rescue. He not onlv defied the shepherds, but he even helped the girfs fill the troughs to water their Hocks. As he did so, he singled out Zipporah, whose voice even in anger had the sweet tone ol a dove. After the painted faces of the Egyptian court, the simple beauty of her outdoor countenance retrc-hed him, like the cool water of the well. Perhaps he thought to himself: here is this countrv's heart, the sweet life ol contentment.

1 rust in God. for this child, is jov in the morning, and the distant tinkle of the ram's bell. Cod descends with the rain, and 1 le is inhaled with the fragrant smell ot the harvest. And shvry averting her eyes from the stranger, no doubt Zipporah was moved to thoughts of her own: Many men have done me good turns. But this one if different.

There is kindness in him: but there is strength and terrible power, like the lightning'behind clouds. i When the girls arrived home, their father asked: "How is it that ye are come so soon today? Then they told him of the kind I gvptian who had helped them at the well. "Where is he?" said their father, a little annoyed that they had not shown hospitality to the kind stranger. "Call him that he may eat bread." So Moses came to Zipporah house. "And Moses was content to live with tne man: and he gave Moses Zipporah his daughter." Cop.

1934. TIMES Mll0 SYNOlOTt tav Vio in mppt an aruwuv ivt-idiiuus nani. tant ana prontaoie use or your 420 Harvard- unlDers wnicn tney can ire Cattle: 300, estimated. Wednes-'lure use oi tne same operainig amicipatea uu mi. nun aeitcu: Shekore nointed out.

wnuu. iiiivc pa hi ii oio.v aci- nai'CI to pin OOWn tlglties Oil PR nl in for nrm-nntinn'riaVs row market strona. Canners 1. dm (John Smart Mill was an Kiis'lish philosopher, economist, and student of mankind. He Has an associate and spokes the federal highway trus federal highway trust ol- -u.

a Boiu, uiiiiinuuaiiuin Tip pr ot DorsOlS SO Ol- -at than 1 i lather than the number of persons so ond-class accommodations in en-season. As the manager of ourgged in the agencies or with- represents ten vears ot ine growing numoer or dairy hrcd heifers. tow-graae ore newly ar-ly and I1.5u-18.50 bv Ford and others in Ulten a man man or those intelleitnal radicals- oven greater with 1.018 wom- iho hrouyhl about maior social nnA reforms of (he IMS cend.rv ,) en per 1.000 men. The Census 'safe driving without a record- young people to whom the tele- ag.linst Tile in-: rti.r.ncninia nr.ntAai Tl.n'nhnnp Imi; hiM'Dmp imnortant in record notei in uranaaa, spam, put corporations some have rived in a companv has nrc.n Thtt rtonncits: na-npH Oil hlS.rfea'dv. Commerefai hulls 23 50-2-l'5fi, the it with disarming frankness, estimated it as more than 1 most trouble not with the big! Fed "cattle: Wednesday's market! by Ford are estimated to are The American Farm fin niultwr I -i two men brought the total of their social life apparently has Bureau expects the ratio will increase to 1.029 per 1,000 in i in i-iiaiKiiiK mi" un- iiuiiuui uuu what mniistrv rind in L.

Of to (. UP Wjdenti here lrc i Ifmiu now rate for your room 1970 and then level off for a iiuuons, suciiu ioi mis iviHS uj neads who fear hps infprfpr-. 27.00. in the neighborhood of Wu Federation, ths iNattpn- president's awards of the com-been one of the causes 200,000,000 tons of benefieiable Orange, the Automobile! 0 wrong number calling, iron ore," Duffy said. Manufacturers A I I the 0 i volume of such calls seem VUU 1 imftrinan TniclrinCT Accn Trip la seems The luu m.

uniiiiuuiiiit nf il in nmpfhinr thcx- Calves: 400, estimated. Wednes is the time we get the good Work runs into the millions ofjjng work, but make the sprats pav decade to tourists. dollars annually. But lul Uric itu la (duau.c, ci.Ki, for each filling as it becomes of the hundredth' riiivine awards were nrespnt- rise durine school holidays. rfgd.ii oest.

Ana tne authors urge the! choice 24.on-28.oo. selects 2 Proven Ore Reserves Q. In what South American to commercial i6.ou-22.oo. American Automobile Cui (2) It's a cinch to ect around the estimates are vague. hnaa tn hr.

tartfnl in icull aWa. 1 1 crt f-afl III i i i nr uprc inn kjiitrrvw 1: na u. person is onlv comparative, foi -country is the bolivar the I ventured to tne mama that the majority of the eminent standard monetary unit? S. ('. A.

The bolivar is the stand- having a tooth tilled was men of every past generation rough enough without having held many opinions now known and you can see in comfort Despite the growth, many a ing public relations to hiS wnav. 0, lt; Amencan Petroleum receiving the: A greater inconvenience that what you came to see. businessman isn't sure today company. tfte aSriciSt f' awards and the number of the unintentional wrong num. In Toledo.

Spain, we were: whether he needs such coun-j The authors deplore "a 6.00 and down. 15 000000 tons of pel-' Joinin ln Protest aisoldriving years for which the'ber calls is the nuisance call among onlv about a dozen peo- sel or not and many times small but noisy group of shv- CHICAGO LIVESTOCK iare the North American were granted are: Har-' placed deliberately to annoy pie visiting the church in he doesn't at the price asked, jsters, confidence men and! chicaqo Dec Js-Livestock. lline Tax Conference and the jcId Pankratz l9 years; Leon- someone. The most serious which El Greco's greatest mas-; And many business grabbers'' in their Belland, 19 years; Steve! form of nuisance calling is the to play one of the good diamonds Mrs. Keen won with the ave of clubs and returned the trey.

Mrs. Fusty won with the king and again discarded a diamond from the board. She was saving dummy's spade for a good purpose. Now she led the eight of hearts to dummy's nine and returned the spade, ruffing with the king of hearts. This maneuver paved the way for getting rid of the obnoxious nine of diamonds, which had been blocking that suit.

The deuce of hearts to dummy's ten. followed by the jack of hearts, picked up the last outstanding trump. On this last trick Mrs. Fusty discarded the nine of diamonds and the remaining cards on the board were good. Mr.

Abel started a discussion as to whether the hand could have been made some other way. It went on and on Mrs Fusty couldn't stand too much of this. "In my opinion," she said (there is nothing on which she does not have an opinion), "that popular theory that women talk more than men is shown up in all its absurdity at the bridge table." TOMORROW: Strategy in ard coin of Venezuela. At the current rate of exchange, it is to dip into your fun money, to be erroneous, and did or ap- but the mama pointed out, proved numerous things wnkiiieqUa ,0 approximately 30 with some reason, that the no one will now justify. S.

cents. The coin is named penalty decreased then terpiece (Burial ol count ur- lives aren sure now much tonession ana raise ana eye- 2-3 200-9 10. urna 1 I lerence epiebenuiig oi 1 8 years; Alvin in which the caller, who con-; Why is it. then, that there is honor of Simon Bolivar, "The e-dz) hangs. I couldn gct-j'oti rely on the fil service they orow over "a relatively small n.o'iv rs '210-220 ih 2025 hiehest! 7:, organizations.

ly, 16 years: Maurice refuses to identifv him- sumption of candy, in the in- on the whole a preponderance Liberator of South America. and how much to 'group of men whose main 'Mice October 2-3 230-280 Kw. ov The consensus of the groups! dels, 15 years; Charles Be-lself, used vulgar or malicious in here in the spring or sum- now havr mer," said our guide. "You'd use it. terests ot general neaun, anct among mankind or rational encouraged more close atten- opinions and rational conduct! Q- When was the I)f Molay drive at present seems to be f5s- t', nm most 1-3 sows "rTw.

A Vis that the entire cost of the, 15 years; Vince Dieder-; language. m.m lb. plant capab of rttag inlerstate highway sys. ich, 14 saw, the final elorification of fhe: 330-400 lbs. 15.00-16.2.

It is owing to a quality founded, and by whom? H. N. have to wait in line for To answer these ouestinns. a She1 years; Delbert "This is improper use tion to tooth-cleaning, keeps an accurate log, 1 BUW iO.aiO-liJ.W ro 1 'i 1 1 rr nitAfaeai 1 I 1U1I CUUVI-IHIHU. I.

1. I. of in- In Jerez, we spent two hours jstudv has been made of thisiof the human mind, the source The organization was be- A.wnvua uiuiL.xiiUli i. 1Aft. ,1 tern program could be met if 1 13 years; John Schilling, service and an I good to prime ib.

steers! showed a sharp of everything respectable in gun bv Frank S. Land ith a I rip i i ii ci cu uv ith rv 1 1 pnnv 1 i mother, and decline in on a leisurely tour of the city's. agement's relations not'ilttle blt early." world-famous sherry wine 'with the public but with1 But theJr insist tnat the ma 25. with prime 1.515 lbs. at in full nmdni-tinn in; i iconvenience to our customers, When in full production special taxes on mot-1 years; Royal Cadotte, 8 rannnt tolerate' -avity plugging man either as an intellectual group of nine young Kansas 27.00 and ehoice 1,050 lbs.

at 27.50 since the children felt simul cellars, and while we were pR experts themselves It is Jonty is a large group of; choice heifers up to 27.75: Tne umooi opvrauiww orists were devoted moral being, namely, that City, Mo boys on March 24, to naipn aatterton years. shekore asserted. 1919. Mr. Land's ward, Louis sampling the product at the prepared strictly for execu- generally unspectacu-y.

M'lS cxpeclel ,0 tmploy construction. 1 ah 01 tne nonored drivers In instances where such end of our visit our host re- fives bv two artivp wnrl(rr inilar workmen who have a good 17.oO-20.00; hulls steady; utility and 130 petsons ooerate out of the home ter- abusive calls become a serious 1 mnimernii JA Illl-zS Sll VM i-tj. ti tho wacnn in- ia id i.r 1 ms (it wnar if ro arinnc mn 1 wri hihi nnpnannpnT v.nwnpn nr 1 Mai- r-nm. 'q'n E. I tlc'A E.

A nE A A E. iwiacHi 111 nriu n. a. ouuiei lanui" ra stradv at 32.00 down community prob- LET'S EXPLORE YOUR MIND ylvanua M. Duvall, and Eeln M.

Duvall. Pli D. -J I. tf intrt can rie. onH nklltitf in 1 hpuani 1 A Utiiuiiai ill i i 1 1 i nil lino I lu oneeu: IWU nidus i nut- --e.

bluics Willi a hili annual r--- 3 000: two loads Drime la.i.hc IHmi Ihc 90 In Anril 1QS.4 Thn routes between Chicago "ZTlr nalnnu nf nnarlu tSffll PPV these cellars every day. They -jack Ramsberger. member of t0 follow it up. food and choice 18 50-20 00. cull to i f(tail ind tho Upper Peninsula.

IU' such calls and locating the Tow good 15.00-17.50. choice shorn P'aui nuw nan a ioui, ui lambs at 18.50; cull to choice slaugh- 320,000 tons of concentrate per uuu'wu Harrison said that part "Perhaps job insurance, health insurance, and did age insurance is giving you too much assurance, young man! Remember. THIS chance you're taking isn't covered! Vz KC OVIKLV ter ewes 6.00-7 50, this additional capital will; DaJ Dwl ri.AaA jOnenoers. of vear. it i I TICKLISH UU 'Oj'RE "Those responsible for this be used to assist these affiliat- discarding.

linPiriMR Business Notes Tom F. Clabots has joined the staff of the Seaboard Sure- EMOTIONALLY can only get a glimpse or the National Air Transport them." Coordinating Committee. The And in Portugal we were booklet is copyrighted by the able to get rooms in tiny inns; Economics Press Mont-and converted castles without flair, J. advance notice. But, said the; They hold that public rela-manager of the castle in the.tions fell into two parts: walled city of Obidos, "We and staff services, ready have reservations forjThoy estimate that 85 per cent MILWAUKEE PRODUCE MILWAUKEE, Dec 28 Produce: Potatoes steady.

Idaho-Oi egon-Washington russets U.S. No. 4.00-4.25; Colorado McCluies U.S. 1A, Super Valu Gets Loan To Expand a'nMZa 7Mb aTrTd tMpii tTMI If nMp a a 'i aIhI Vina lIeBa oMl rlolGlG dBl A tm jed supermarket owners in of direolors of Red 0wl fwe anest flnd dlSL.ontinuanre (building of new stores and Inc. declared a regu-jof the subscribers' service," modeling of present ones.

lar quarterly dividend of for-Lshekore said. Harrison said that during thejty cents per share on the tv Co in its miriwpstprn VinaH 3.26-3.50; North Dakota reds U.S. HS nilOWeSttrn neaa- Wisconsin whites 2.00- G. Lower, was the leader of the youths, and he is now recognized as the world's first De Molay. The organization, sponsored by the Masons, is open to boys 16 to 21.

It is named for Jacques de Molay (1243-13141, a Frenchman, who as head of the Knights Templai died rather than reveal the secrets of that order. Q. Were the Bronte sisters of Irish descent? W. G. A.

They were half Irish, Their father was born in County Down, Ireland; their mother was English. Mr. Bronte's name was originally Brunty, but he changed it when he immigrated to England. Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte were all born in Yorkshire County, England. quarters at Chicago, W'here he 2.15, 50 lb.

paper sacks 1 25 PvTf NKF A POT vear, 24 new stores were open- 296 shares of common About, one per cent of farm will serve an eight-state area lb. paper sacks 60-65C, reds U.S. 1. per 100 lhs. 2.25-2.50, russet Bur- 1959's season." And so it WIS I of today's corporation PR de Jl Eternity .12 Tattler )4 Part of shoe Sfi Corn ap.kea Jfl Heali ST Commanl 40 Leg bona 41 Having retired 42 Similarity 4 Speck 47 Goddeaa of discord 48 Yellow ochre 48 Hammer head VI Sotkl up Si Boil on the eyel DOWN I Pulpy fruf ACROSS I Rubber tr 4 Cicatrix 5 Cornml dish 12 Provokt tS Or lur 14 State openly 15 Paid regard to Plexui 18 Brink 19 Mangle 21 Larli 13.

Post 24. Waterfall Judicial judgment 29 Roman room SO. Extent or area is spent for pest ed and 54 were remodeled or1 payable Feb. 16, 1959 to hold Solution Vrdaiy't Pgun tion ot arraneenipnts for crop value control. gems 1.75-2.00 on the roads, in the stores.

You partments or PR agencies op- z22? He man ers of record on Jan. 30, 1959. Cabbage steady. Home grown. can drive, shop, sip.

signtsee-erate heavilv in servirps "1 oibushel. rPen. 1.25-1.50. crate 1.75 $1,500,000 unsecured loan to fj.lenlarged. nance future expansion of Su- 1'-: per Valu Stores, was an- wWy:" in ease.

These run all the way grouP for lh'M 1JS-, 50; Bew TFXas' crate Ami i i- (3i You meet tne natives, writing speecnes to planning large white 3-inch nounceo today Dy Ci liar not just otner American wur- uh-n nouses, nom apprising, nr nvi(t 3.50-3.75. white mediums 4.25-4.50 1 Allow 3 Outer 4 Burn lightly 5 System of signals I Goddeaa of irrfaluation Brightneae ol light uis the press of news about a Midwtti yellow mediums 215-240: 27" A moved his office from I home crown. 2-lnch SIS-SIS. rison. chairman of the board.

With a 15-year term, the loan Is being made jointly by Pru dential Insurance Company of When you're tourists in Rtunig tne 12th Ave. to 984 Ninth St i Butter steady. Creamery extras Japanese Prince To Marry During April TOKYO IP An imperial household committee has decided that Crown Prince Aki-hito's wedding to Michiko Shoda should be held some time between the middle and end of April. The committee, which is making preparations for the wedding, set thp approximate date at a meeting Thursday The imperial family and the cabinet are expected to approve. The government has already appropriated $55,000 to pay the costs of the crown prince's wedding to the pretty commoner who became his fiancee last month.

mi'jC. Word of honor Kiln to Brief record Pitcher i Former Britith P.M. 10 Ceremony It, Bed support 11 Wool, fur or pelage 13 Repasts 25 Firework Grade A large 41c. large 30c, ungiad- with youe czow m'U IN TROUBLE I TRUED FALSE Raymond Hansen has re A madium 33c The quick, economical way tnt-nn4 frrtm IU. 1 ed SOC America and First National Bank of Minneapolis Piuden tial is providing $1,250,000 SUPER VALU Wonder Brand RICE lands new to you, there ucaww, much point in spending all Counseling Important your hours with folks fromj But they say counseling home.

The chances are you gjvjng advance on what to do would do this in season, anfj what not t0 do js tne though, because other Ameri-most important PR function, L. to new facilities his errors are corrigible. lC" Poultry steady. Heavy hens 16c. cent Dairy Equipment Co.

na-. light lKc. heavy leghorns over 4 lbs tional sales confproncp nt 8''- liRht unner 4 lbs- 8c- Spnngr l. toniertnce 16c Krvers llic co*cks 9c White Madison. More than 300 deal- spring ducks 5 lbs.

and up lBc era and farlnrv nnrpconl a. i "Ue Muscovy ducks lbs. and up through its regional home office He is capable of rectifying cou)d 2 Fa)se. Psychologist his mistakes bv discussion and enenpncp Not bv exnerience According to a study at Stanley Schacter conducted an cans wauia uc oui tne one wnicn manace- 18c. Turkeys 2.

Propinquity aone fher must De discus- Michael Reese Hospital in experiment with 32 clubs, same places. jment has been slowest to ac- uves 111 tne u-- and Canada Youm toms 20c young hens 25c attended the three-dav ses in Minneapolis, while First National is participating to the extent of $250,000, representing the early maturities. Super Valu Stores, operating through five regional I Capons: 7 lhs. and over 2iic, 7 lbs and under 24c. Tame rabbits 16c II 1 apenng But off-season you meet thepcept.

solid sion. sion, to show how experience I Chicago, being unusually tick- each of which had from five to be interpreted. 'jsn may indicate some lack of to seven members. He made natu re nf tlm lunds. and we' To be a Dood counsellor thp found 'it exhilarating to try to! PR man must represent the! EUis UCombe was awarded opinions and practices gradu- emotional control.

In the same h-i mt i a r' ally yield to fact and argu-'stud of what members in the north cen learn how they live, wnai tney puont ano not oe just another. a plaque from Mack Tiucks 'Exchange today were limited to 1 1 warehouses 11 vs 1UIUIU tnaL ail ment. But facts and arguments, itch is more painful than a tral area, supplies more than think, and to attempt to con-, employe. He should be able for five vear, cars of Minnesota v.B. Grade a ti iui ue yeais as Vjiten Cheddars, St, Paul, in paper buses J8 Fmishet 30 Heavenly body 33 Heavy 34 Destroy 36 Game of klH 37 Inclined to produce any effect on the tickle.

Experimentation with who differed from the others. verse in hpanisn ana rm iu- iiiaiiageuie in, iou arc cio- distributor for Mark Offers, uncovered- Two 77 i71 i79 Wfw 26 27 jl SZZ Jl IT I ff i 1 I I Mj, i 1 1 I I Trucks at ceremonies in Chi cars Minnesota L-. a. t.raae A ccea-dars. St Paul, paper or wood boxes guese.

iinR something bad for public rati Th. service is suDerb. relations; better do it another mind, must be brought before certain patients also showed He found that those who it. that the more emotionally dis- "strung along" had less Very few facts are able to turbed a person was. the more trouble than those who con- Icago Friday evening.

Thp'3114C. Bids, unfilled 5 cars chad- H.V. tn.nni, ,,4 copy, send 20 cents and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to "Let's Explore Your Mind," 'o this newspaper. Your Support Is Needed! Building? is obvious. The management walk The reason presentation was made by R.

sse. 'Trading ton. steady aoesn ask for or resents his 38 Cent. Amer, tell their own story without likely he was to report itch formed. But if the group feel-tree comments to bring out their instead of tickle.

The more ing was not too strong, or if 3fl Anoortion impqning S.n ti.i. M.vplp' u0 Vcc ntrel'- tbp rfflttn Hid not fpnl that tlso advice, tne pk man is just an 1 iinnrOQenrv mm ttfJ Ill PR ange 1 Lb. Pkg- 2 Lb. Pkg.

17 33 us mm xvt 40 Short comic play 43 Wrath 44 Take chair 45 Cratly TOP QUALITY PARKERSBUR6 METAL BUILDINGS Pre-enpineered to fit your needs. ParWersburg metal buildings are rugged, attractive, maintenance-free and weathertight they can be enlarged or moved as space requirements change. When you think of economical building, look to aw Parkersburg for practical assist- ance on quick erection of qualit; FtttHBtlll metal structures. strength and value of human he was to report either one. issue at stake was very im-.

judgment depends on the one, This matter is explained portant. considerable differ-pioperty, that it can be seti further in the absorbing book- enow were allowed. How when it is wrong, reli- let. "Manage Your Feelings strong the group is, and on nea can be placed on it only and Emotions." A copy's yours what you disagree can make a when the means of setting it for 25 cents and a stamped re- big difference, right are kept constantly at turn envelope sent to this col- Learn to "Sell" Vourself! Large. New.

White POTATOES a 1IMI MIH 100 Ihand. umn. this Daoer. It's easy $1 .00 'er and you don't have i'ounds 22 Fndoy, Dec. 26, 1953 GREEN BAY PRESS GAZETTE HERMAN Schools, Churches and Institutions NOW is the time to check your FIRE EXTINGUISHER Requiremerts! Your headquarters for all of fine extinguishers.

C02, Stored Water Pressure Type, and all others. Re-charging. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL OR WRITE TODAY! By Clyde Lamb to be a salesman to do it! To learn the important art of persuasion, send for the big, illustrated booklet, "How To Persuade People." To get a KEEP IT FOR THE RUTABAGAS 5c 75c rmwso SIMPLE SIMON FROZEN Bu. people have more time to give the service. THE DI8A I) A 1 A St SURE, THERE ARE TWO BIG ONES (li This is known as offseason because the weather is off-season.

In most of Spain and Portugal the weather is similar to that in New York in November hardly what the seeker of the sun would want. You don't go swimming outdoors in Manhattan now, and you don't go swimming outdoors on the "sunny coasts" of Spain and Portugal now, either. (2) You miss many events that usually attract the tourist. We didn't see a bullfight in Spain or Portugal or witness the spectacular festivals of these countries because these aren't the months for bullfight-: and festivals. My reaction to this was one of indifference, because what we did see was enough for me but you might not feel the same way about it.

ATTENTION CONTRACTORS For Rent: Portable Heaters and Metal Scaffolding Contractor Discounts. 00 IT 6-in. Lb. Pie 69 PIES YELLOW ONIONS Chocolate or Cocoanut BUILD BITTER F4BTIR-FOB LB88 Commercial Industrial Community Ask us to show you the fact! and figure! on tbe lowest con way to build well. DISTRIBUTORS, Inc.

nfrorucing WINFIELD FINE CHINA Seen on TV "Queen for Day" s1.00 20-Lb. Bag I AAir 1 I PRE-ENGINEERED BUILDING A Division of Henkelmann Construction Co. 1005 N. Military HEmlock 2-2666 Write P.O. Box 127, Green Bay i infield China Sales Co.

will ne a beautiful tff (white thev last i tn all emplnved men and women who reply to this advertisem*nt. Your Wmfield sift will he presented without ML IDEAL DOG FOOD FLEECY WHITE DLEACH Open 7 ML to 8 Except Sunday PETERS WINHF.l.n CHINA SALES f'O. I P.O. BOX GREEN BAV WIS I Name Add re Preble Potato House 1674 CASS ST. Phone No.

216-ox. Quart Cans sL Bottles Jf i My WELDERS SUPPLY CO. In. HEmleck 7-5424 ST. I Bei Time to Deliver Ciift 16K8-1R70 MORROW HE 2-8697 445 S.

Jackson 1 1 1 1 laV mm i iimbi iiumi mf.Jtwjmne.

Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.